powerful new images have emerged of india in da last decade or so, fed mostly due to its success in da information technology an offshore call centres,.... not to mention da growing reach of bollywood, mostly popularised by da success of indian communites abroad....
n also let us not 4 get about indiaz much analysed n talked bout nuclear programme..[wich was first openly declared in 1998...actually started in da 70s]..
but these new images can also mislead.. it is true dat da indian economy is growin at a good rate, but not so much so as it is being portrayed...
v can say dat it is changin compared to da previous standards..
many a times da nature n scope of changes are exaggerated....
i can go on to say dat v hav got urselves in a habbit of counting our chickens b4 the hatch....
in recent years it has become a commonplace in india to talk of da country as being on the verge of superpower status.....
is dat really where v stand today?..
i'm no being cynical here, but my only concern is to provide an unsentimental evaluation of contemporary india against da backdrop of its widely expected ascent to superpowerdom in da 21st century..