My little niece named ishita is not very shy...
she is always filled up with so many questions
her words start with why and ends up in why?
that day she wanted to know from where she has come
i tried to tell her that babies are given by God
Her next question was: then why after birth they all cry?
It was difficult for me to tell ,but i tried it this way
that babies love god & while leaving him they feel bad.
but it is not so easy to make her fool
rather she is quite bold...
she said no it can't be true if it is then,
why God send them and do not
listen to them when they grow old?
i said in this world God has made parents
who are there to take care and bring sweet presents
i know it is difficult for me to continue here
to tell you her long list of questionnaire
may be by the time she will realize the truth and will talk sense....
we will not be able to enjoy her endless questions which are always full of innocence..