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 loony lens of a loony gal

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Vineet Modi
9 posters


Female Number of posts : 439
Age : 36
Location : delhi
Registration date : 2007-06-05

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeFri Jun 08, 2007 11:58 pm

i was thinking and thinking and thinking as to what to blog about Question when suddenly something so predictably strange happened zat i did'nt have to think anymore!Very Happy so here goes

thursday morning i get up at 6(im trying and trying to become an early bird:sleep: ) and went back to sleep to get up at 9(Embarassed jhand)......i get ready and i have a habit of wearing my contact lens right at the left eye has power -4 and the right eye has power -8( i a blind bat:cyclops: )

well, so i put on my lens and surprise surprise:shock: ...i cant see a thing!! so there i was, with my lens safely in my eyes and me with my arms flapping about trying to fathom the mystery behind my blindsight.affraid ..till enlightenment dawned upon me.....i had mistakenly put my left lens in the right eye and my right lens in the left eye!!! hail me!cheers
n it doesnt end there....when i realised what i had done, i took out my lens in a hurry and mistakenly again (monkey duh) put both of them in the same case of the left eye! obviously i thought i had lost the right lens...pale .huuhaa....i looked around like a lunatic for about 30 minutes, then gave up and bought new ones for the right eye.....only to find them lying in the case!!geek still havent told me mum....n obviously i wont in the future either.

on a serious note...these things reflect the disorganized, absent-minded part of my personality.Laughing ..which is why i lost my 2nd cell phone the 4th time last week!! i keep things somewhere and then i dont remember where i kept them...i think i donated my last cell phone to bangla sweet house...aaaarrrgh:x

and now il end with a famous quote slightly twisted by none other than the scatter-brain herself!afro

for the lack of sense, a lens was lost....for the lack of lens, eyesight was lost....for the lack of eyesight, vision was lost....for the lack of vision, purpose was lost....and for the lack of purpose, mankind was lost....amen:pirat:
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Female Number of posts : 439
Age : 36
Location : delhi
Registration date : 2007-06-05

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: a strange quest   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2007 12:02 am

a strange quest

I see so I wonder,
Wonder at the sight.
I wonder so I seek,
Seek for the light.
Light I see in different places
In different people and different cases
A dialogue of some movie,
A line in some book,
The lyrics of music groovy,
Or enlightenment from a crook.
They say that the world is a strange place,
Where beauty and ugliness coincide
But stranger is the world of my mind
Restless for want of stability
Questioning for want of answers
Violent for want of peace
It yearns for meaning from the random master
Thus I am on a strange quest
I let things come so I can let them go
When I am high I wish to feel low
Just so I could see
What it means...
To be
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Vineet Modi
Vineet Modi

Male Number of posts : 116
Location : Delhi
Registration date : 2007-06-04

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2007 12:31 am

supriya wrote:
on a serious note...these things reflect the disorganized, absent-minded part of my personality.Laughing ..which is why i lost my 2nd cell phone the 4th time last week!! i keep things somewhere and then i dont remember where i kept them...i think i donated my last cell phone to bangla sweet house...aaaarrrgh:x

Damn that's sad! I think you need to focus a little bit more in life haha! Just kidding, it just happens that some people have a habit of losing things. Some people lose them because they REALLY love those things, or because they deserve better things in life Razz

Your poem is very nice! I didn't know you had multiple talents ay Wink

"Violent for want of peace..
It yearns for meaning from the random master"

P.S. I've merged your two posts into one. You can write your future entries in this thread itself, so that its easy for you to locate them. You can edit your posts whenever you feel like.. This is your own personal space.. Cheers!!
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Male Number of posts : 410
Age : 36
Location : Delhi
Registration date : 2007-06-05

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PostSubject: "It's all about loving your pigs"   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2007 4:55 am

"It's all about loving your pigs"

"Its the Chinese Year of the PIG this year ;-)"

Pigs. Pigs. And more pigs. What is happening to you, bhai?
Innaaa shaaaarraaaa frivolous preoccupation with pigs?

loony lens of a loony gal Cutie_10

Rakh le. Mehenga waala hai!
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Female Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2007-06-04

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PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2007 11:43 am

Way to go Supriya!! Ur posts are fun to read....makes me smile [/b] Smile
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Number of posts : 117
Registration date : 2007-06-09

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2007 12:53 am

liked the poem..........
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Number of posts : 117
Registration date : 2007-06-09

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2007 12:53 am

liked the poem..........
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Female Number of posts : 28
Age : 35
Registration date : 2007-06-05

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2007 11:09 am

LMAO! And JUST the other day I was asking a friend how she keeps her lenses straight... and she said, lens wearers get used to it over time. Razz
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Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2007-06-12

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeTue Jun 12, 2007 2:26 am

hey supz..dats quite an interesting story;)
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Female Number of posts : 236
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-07-03

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2007 1:42 pm

lol hehhee supi....ur lens blog is like killing me...crazy!!!!!!!
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Female Number of posts : 439
Age : 36
Location : delhi
Registration date : 2007-06-05

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2007 12:32 am

welcum to ze forum rom!!
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AnIsHa RaLhAn

AnIsHa RaLhAn

Female Number of posts : 158
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Registration date : 2007-07-28

loony lens of a loony gal Empty
PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2007 11:58 pm

hahaaa...i know was i blind 2 miss such a quirky blog jus like quirky u...
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PostSubject: Re: loony lens of a loony gal   loony lens of a loony gal Icon_minitime

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