Well im blogging…so hurray for that. But the question id like to ask, is there anything worth blogging about??
A usual day starts around 1-ish, when the pink horse wakes you up, and you say to yourself “ ….”, well something profound, which seems to elude meat the moment. What you have to realize is that the pinkhorse isn’t actually trying to wake you up, I mean come on, wouldn’t having a pink horse as an alarm clock be just a bit…uuumm…spaced out (?). so then you search for food , which, if you come to think of it, we (as a race ) have been doing since the beginning of time. Beginning of time of course means since we evolved into a life form, which could seek out its nourishment. This is simply because the beginning of time, is well, an inconceivable notion at the moment (that could also be because of the very fat spliff, but I don’t think so).
Once one has secured food a.k.a nourishment, one starts to wonder what one is meant to do. Now, once we wander into the realm of meant-to-dos we need to start thinking about destiny and that serious amount of bullshit that trails along with it.
The best option (not that I have listed any, I have in my head though) would be to roll, boom and watch cartoons take a break, listen to music, and repeat.